elliot b, poorly rendered by ai as a hand drawing with muted colors, in front of some plants.
fig.1: Stable Diffusion's not-so-faithful rendering

my name's elliot.

i live in Somerville, Massachusetts.
i spend part of my time in front of machines, frustrated by them.

selected works

  • dirman

    a command-line utility that prints what files two directories don't have in common. That's it.

  • gpt-commit

    why write your own clear and concise comments? Have GPT-4 read a diff of your commits and try to guess why you made those changes, instead!

  • Detawks

    a very loose Node.js port of "detox", the Unix file-name-cleansing utility. Removes spaces, cyrillic, and (controversially) underscores.

  • a three

    Arguably just a few node arrays of english-language animal mononyms

odds & ends